1) my 1st time omos fainted at padang kawad there. XD ~ after i sat in my car 4 1+ hours, i just reached KPS , let my teacher check my bags,put my bags at my dorm, i quickly rush down to padang kawad there bcoz got roll call. So,when i was 'berbaris'ing , suddenly i felt my ears got a bit like blur blur de, i thought dat was caused by my flue so i din care it lo. but later the things dat i saw got many black dots like dat in my view leh.. idat time i dono y lo.. i thought my eyes got problem. haha..but !! later i felt dat i a bit goyang-goyang when i berbaris. i wondering y will goyang like dat so in my mind i quickly ask myself to stop goyang lo..(bcoz when baris, we r not allow to move) when i was tahan to stop goyang-goyang ,there was a little moment i was no any memory..(can say like dat ma ho ?? dono) then after dat i baru felt n realised n wondering y got ppl came to my place n dat moment i baru noe i was going to faint .. haha dat time o , me like no energy like dat lo, feel wan close my eyes but got one jurulatih dat apprached to me ask me not to closed my eyes..haha ..but lo i got abt 2 o 3 times wan to closed my eyes ar..luckily lo dat jurulatih saw it then ask me don close my eyes , look things around me..she also call my frens to open my shoes n stocks... then o, i was jelped by my to frens tobring me to the pentas there to have a rest after i feel better lo. dat time dono y i cry lo...haiz...my tears oways come out de bo...teacher also ask me y i cry i say i dono ...haha...then , after the roll call, we go to dewan there sit , one of my fren dat i not very like her la come n ask me eh u r also wan faint like dat har,y u cry ....haiz.... i tell her a bit then i go drink water .... noenergy to talk to her lo... i think i cry is bcoz dat was my 1st time i faint so my tears wan come out lo.haha2 ) i play gun. ~ im ahli bravo but dat time i got some problems need to do so i go mix with charlie n delta group on othere day to play gun... when we reach the place to play gun,we can hear the sound "bang ,bang,bang" very loud when other frens r playing. when reach my turn to play,i play lo. but actually i cant target the board leh ..so far ...n we r lying to shoot the board. so me ar, simply shoot nia. as long as i got shoot it , i feel very song lo. hahaha XP3) i play x-crossing n flying fork ~ dat was an excited experience.cant describe but i cant tell dat when i play these games,me totally feel very excited+nervous .haha. when i crossing the x-crossing,suddenly got blind blew n dat time me nervous lo . i pegang the tali kuat-kuat n don wan to continue to cross to tali.i wait until the wind stop blew.but..got guys down there ask me not to look down leh ...haha..teacher even ask me stay there don move 1st bcoz she wan take foto. haha...when i safely reach another tower dat play flying fork , me nervous again.after my jurulatih put those safety belts on me,i wear the gloves n after i lapor to my jurulatih,it was the time dat i need to jump liao. BUT but but...dat time i oledi pegang the tali to play flying fork ,just i need to jump down baru can play the game .my jurulatih ask me jump ,me smile smile to him say nervous ar...actually dat one step i was not dare to jump.haha.thenhe push me with a little energy nia la, then baru i jump ...haha... i scream loudly but very excited. hahaha...got chance i wan play agian. ^^4 ) Kayak n rakit
~ i hav a chance to berkayak n berakit when i at KPS there. if i not mistaken, kayak is 2 persons in one boat. then both of us need to kerjasama to kayak .same as rakit. Rakit need kerjasama from the team. one team got abt 9/10 ppl.when i rakit,my job dono is heng o soi ,me as the rakit leader .my job is shout kiri,kanan,kiri n hold the flag.when the rakit wan turn,me need to shout kiri kuat when rakit wan turn kanan.....so ok la..dis experience.Not bad.after rakit ,all my frens' hands n shoulder felt very painful.but ..hehe..i din feel anything pain.hahaha
5 ) pengenalan air~ dat time we need to do the pengenalan air b4 we going kayak n rakit . dat dat o , jurulait ask all of us wear the safety clothes . then we buat PT 10 sebanyak 10 kali to heat up our body. then we go down into the pool. 1st we r asked to floated ourself on the pool . my god!! i cant swim leh how i go teacher there ?! after me go down into the pool then trying to move my legs lo n hands too . i got move a bit but ...haha.. after dat din move liaw . dat time i scare i will sink into the water lo.. because dat pool sometime got waves come lo. then me need trying to do something lo..haiz... teacher saw me like dis , he pull me to him there then ask us to float ourselves 4 few minutes. i manage to float myself . then o, we go to other teacher there to try other thing ....dat is dive into the water. but actually cant say sink la. juz we breath in then teacher press our head into the water 4 a few moments lo. i do dat 4 twice but got once i drink the pool water. eew !! then o we go up to the darat n then put the safety rope on our back then dat rope will hang on another rope . after dat, we go down into water again. then start swim!! dat distance quite long . i manage to swim to its half distance then no energy liaw.. dat time i swim slow but better than my fren at the back dat teacher say she din move any .. when i was swimming, got jurulatih teach me how to swim leh ^^ i use the method dat he teach me then i swim i swim i swim. Wah , u noe very very tired lo.move my hands n legs till i fill hard to swim liaw lo. dat teacher folow me swim mar then i tell him dat "teacher saya no energy liaw'" " sangat letih ar" haha. then teacher pull down one rope dat is above the pool 4 me to pull it till i reach the other side of the pool.then o we wash the safety suit, then walk back to our dorm to hav a bath with our wet shirt n trousers. haha .. oh ya, n walk without slippers till the place we put our slippers then walk to our dorm .. dat day im very happy,enjoy dis pengenalan air n excited too !! ^^ # Actually PLKN is nice.to those who din attend persatuan badan beruniform, o who was totally was very 'da xiao jie ' like dat baru will feel there was strict. Lastly i wan to say i LOVE the life when i was in the KPS when i joining the PLKN .. ^^